Damen supports women in maritime industry

   Sylvia Boe, Damen Shipyards Group’s head of communications, has been appointed president of the Netherlands chapter of the Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA). 
   The Netherlands chapter of WISTA was founded in 2000 and currently has 140 members from across the maritime industry.
   “I will strive to connect women in the maritime industry, helping them to expand their networks and skills, encouraging them to inspire each other in their careers by sharing thoughts and advice — to make a difference with a feminine touch in a man’s world,” said Boe, a WISTA member since 2008 and a board member since 2013.
   Damen Shipyards Group operates 34 shipbuilding and repair yards and employs 10,000 people worldwide.
   WISTA has 3,000 members in 40 countries from diverse maritime-related organizations, including ship operators, shipyards, equipment suppliers, brokers, banks, insurance specialists, legal experts and training and research institutes. Its chapters around the world aim to support women in the industry via regular meetings, workshops, presentations and company visits. 
   One such visit took place last month in Sharjah, where WISTA UAE visited Albwardy Damen. Present at the event was Princess Sarah Al Saud, director of maritime business development and the International Forum for Maritime Transport at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport. 
   Speaking at the event, Albwardy Damen managing director Lars Seistrup said, “We believe that women’s participation is important to this industry. The maritime community should believe in the talent of women and in their ability to accomplish tough jobs within our sector. This can be achieved by equipping them with the right education, training and skills.”