The service is being operated by Atlas Air Worldwide with Boeing 767-300F aircraft.
CEVA rejects acquistion offer by DSV
The Swiss company said it instead plans to explore measures to enhance its performance with CMA CGM.
CSX sues for access to Virginia container terminal
Norfolk Southern accused of using shortline railroad as a “chess piece” to maintain monopolistic control over intermodal access in and out of Norfolk International Terminal.
Arbitrators deliver decision in J.B. Hunt-BNSF dispute
Hunt anticipates a $28.9 million hit to earnings when the award is combined with a driver settlement and charge related to a customer bankruptcy.
Hurricane Michael leaves behind ‘devastation’
North Carolina ports closed as storm brings heavy winds and rain.
CFIUS pilot adds layer of export control
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States is expanding reviews of foreign acquisitions involving sensitive U.S. technologies and intellectual property.
Passage of waterways funding bill ‘a win’
Legislation authorizing billions of dollars to improve U.S. ports, dams and harbors heads to the president for signature into law.
White House steps up fight against wildlife trafficking
The Trump administration told international law enforcement agencies in London this week that it will contribute more than $90 million next year.
Leveraging data to manage supply chains
Shippers should recognize annual patterns to move goods more efficiently.
‘Potentially catastrophic’ Hurricane Michael nears Panhandle
Pensacola and Panama City ports are closed; FMCSA issues regional declaration for the transport of emergency supplies.